
Bees, Butterflies, and Other Beneficial Insects

We didn’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrowed it from our children. - An Indigenous saying. Scientists estimate…

3 years ago

Create a Haven for Birds, Bees, and Butterflies

Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind…

3 years ago

Create a Haven for Birds

Create a Haven for Birds Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to…

3 years ago

Trees, Shrubs, and Berry Bushes

Fine fruit is the flower of commodities. It is the most perfect union of the useful and the beautiful that…

3 years ago

Community Gardens

Satisfaction is a second cup of coffee. Security is having your own cup!   Food comes from all over the…

3 years ago

The Summer Saga – Reflections on a Hobby

When Clint Eastwood, the movie actor, was asked what he was going to do on his 88’th birthday, he said,…

3 years ago

So You Want to Garden

So, you want to garden. Is it the allure of a-just-off-the-vine tomato or the crunch of a carrot just pulled…

4 years ago

Gardening is for the birds

Nature delights the soul.  One of my most memorable moments in gardening was watching 500 or more cedar waxwings landing…

5 years ago

Saving time With Raised Garden Beds

What is a Raised Garden Bed? A raised bed contains soil that is higher than the original ground level.  I…

5 years ago

Starting Again – 2020

Austin Kleon in his book, Steal Like an Artist, stated: “Plagiarism is copying from one source.  Research is copying from…

5 years ago