About Me
Urban Gardener

Gardening is my passion.
While I was working full time, Ever since I was five, I didn’t do much research, I just gardened as I always had.
However, after I retired, I decided to make gardening my passion. Through research, books, magazines, and even more importantly, by trial and error, I have developed a number of strategies to make the best use of my gardening space.
I subscribe to the saying: “To live is to change, and to become perfect is to have changed often.” While I have changed often, I still have many more mistakes to make. That’s the magic of gardening, for every new mistake, I get the pleasure of having learned something else. And so, no matter how little you know about gardening, you can celebrate each success and learn from each mistake.
In the time of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have all learned how fragile our economy can be. It is comforting to know that we can provide, to some extent, food for ourselves and for our families. And, who knows when the next pandemic will come.
Gardening provides me with nutritious food, free from chemicals. Gardening is also healthy, physically and mentally. I also emit less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as compared to the amount released by commercial farming, transportation of food, and other food associated commercial uses of energy.
You will see from my articles that I am a practical environmentalist. Yes, I occasionally use pesticides as a last resort, but I have many ways of reducing the need for these chemicals.
The articles on this website will show how anyone who is willing to learn can become a more and more successful gardener. I share what I have learned over the past few years so as to make it easier for you to garden successfully.
I sincerely hope my writings will stimulate you to garden, and to give you the pleasure it gives to me.
Charles Schroder B.Sc., M.Ed.